How often (in seconds) the main console window should refresh itself (?)
How often (in seconds) the navigation header should refresh itself (?)
How often (in seconds) the cycle watch window swaps to the next monitor (?)
How often (in seconds) the watched image is refreshed (if not streaming) (?)
How often (in seconds) the status refreshes itself in the watch window (?)
How often (in seconds) the event listing is refreshed in the watch window (?)
Override the automatic detection of browser streaming capability (?)
Which method should be used to send video streams to your browser. (?)
What the default scaling factor applied to 'live' or 'event' views is (%) (?)
What the default replay rate factor applied to 'event' views is (%) (?)
What the bitrate of the video encoded stream should be set to (?)
What the maximum frame rate for streamed video should be (?)
Scale thumbnails in events, bandwidth versus CPU in rescaling (?)
What the default view of multiple events should be. (?)
Show the progress of replay in event view. (?)
How long to wait for Ajax request responses (ms) (?)